Our Story

Beer:30 is intended to promote the responsible consumption of Beer by Beer Lovers and enthusiasts of legal drinking age.  It is also meant to introduce people to the world of Beer by providing information about all things beer related, including festivals, breweries, bars and restaurants all over the country and around the world.

The story behind this Trademarked brand is it is a phrase I started saying back in college.  Years later, while working at a job where I was unhappy, I started to read the book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to improve themselves.  It is more about growing rich with success and happiness rather than money. This book helped me think outside the box. One day while sitting at my desk, I was daydreaming about opening a bar and I thought to myself, what would be a good, “catchy” name? After several ideas, it hit me like a ton of bricks. BEER:30! The phrase I had been saying over the years.  Of course, opening a bar was more of a dream.  However, over the next few days while thinking about it, I came up with the clock face design and I thought the two together would look good on T-shirts and other products. Over the days, weeks and months after, I drew up the clock design and developed other related ideas. It is amazing, the ideas that come to you when you open your mind. 

As this has been a side business, it has been growing slowly.  However, now we have a new and improved website and we plan to do much more with the brand.  Part of the mission of this company is to give back.  We would very much like to see an end to Drunk Driving.  We plan to donate some profits to toward educating younger drivers on the negative effects of Drinking and Driving.  On a more personal note, we also hope to be able to set up a scholarship fund for a best friend (more like a brother) who died in 2019 due to Addiction and Depression. 

As a means to be able to give back, we offer for sale our branded merchandise with our trademarked phrase and logo.  Check out the online store to see our merchandise and for ordering.  More products will be coming soon.  They can also be purchased at fairs and festivals we attend during the year.  Be sure to check the calendar for a list of upcoming events and festivals.  Also check out our links for various beer and cultural festivals around the country.

Please Drink Responsibly and Don’t Drink and Drive!