Welcome to Beer:30

Welcome Beer lovers and Beer enthusiasts to the premier of the new Beer:30 website and Blog!  This is a blog about everything beer.   It will provide information on beer festivals, events, news and pretty much anything related to beer around the country and around the world.  It is intended to be for entertainment and informational purposes for all those of legal drinking age.

For the premiere post of this blog, I would actually like to address all those who are turning the legal drinking age this year and in the future.  As well as, would be underage drinkers going off to college this year.  While this website and blog does not condone the use of alcohol by minors, it hopes that if they choose to drink, they do so responsibly by not drinking and driving.  Drinking and Driving is illegal and a very dangerous thing to do.  The repercussions can affect you for the rest of your life.

This isn’t meant to be a lecture but rather a sincere message from all the people in your lives that love you and care about you. You have a long life ahead of you that can be filled with so many happy moments. Do not risk or ruin that gift by getting behind the wheel of a car, even if you’ve had only one drink.  It is possible to be impaired after only one drink. There are so many ways it can end up hurting you! Please, Please, PLEASE, JUST DON’T DO IT.  

The obvious way is you get into an accident.  Maybe you hit someone in another car or a pedestrian and they are injured or worse, killed. Or maybe you are the one who dies.  How do you think your loved ones will feel if that happens? How do you think you will feel if you injure or kill someone? If you do survive, you will probably go to jail.  Even if it is for only a short time, it will have a negative impact on you for the rest of your life.  It will affect your ability to get jobs which will make getting ahead in life very difficult.  Even if you don’t get into an accident but are just pulled over by the police and charged with DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) that will be on your record and will be found out by potential employers.  So, Please, Please, PLEASE, DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE!

As one last try to convince you not to drink and drive, here are some of the penalties for drinking and driving in the state of New York, for example.  For DWI or DWAI first offense, besides a fine there is possible jail time up to one year and mandatory driver license revoking for at least 6 months. There is also a Zero Tolerance Law for drivers under the age of 21 caught driving with a .02 BAC to .07 BAC.  BAC stands for Blood Alcohol Content.  The first offense penalty for violating the Zero Tolerance Law is a mandatory suspension of your license for 6 months along with a fine.

Please share this post with any young drivers you know and Love.


Beer Festivals – Post Covid